Edit pictures dialog :: Groups
At this page you can graphically view groups that pictures belong to. Moreover you can easily add or
remove multiple pictures to or from the multiple groups.
Similarly to keywords changes are being made by toggling the
entries' checkboxes, and numbers in parentheses also have the similar meaning: one number means number of pictures in
the group; if two numbers are divided by slash then the first is the number of selected pictures in this group, and
the second is the total number of pictures in it.
Checkbox also acts like for keywords: if no one of the selected pictures is contained in a group, the
the checkbox appears clear. If some of the selected pictures are contained, and the rest are not, the checkbox will be
grayed. And if all of the selected pictures are in the group, then the checkmox will be checked.
Feel free to develop this on your own.
NB: you cannot check pictures so that some pictures are completely out of groups - this
might requre to delete these pictures, but picture deletion is just different operation. Thus PhoA disables
such operation notifying you of the situation.
This operation supports undo
See also:
Browse mode
Working in the browse mode
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